Why You Need to Embrace eMail Marketing

A report in 2011 produced by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) put the Return on Investment (ROI) on email marketing at $41 for every dollar spent. eMail marketing represents one of the best possible ways of spending your marketing dollars. In this article I will explain why you need to embrace eMail marketing as a core method of promoting your business.

First a quick explanation of what exactly eMail marketing is. Simply put email marketing is the collection of email addresses of prospective customers and those who have already purchased from you. Then through sending regular and automated emails on topics that your customer would find interesting a relationship is developed. Interspersed between these communications are emails which will promote your businesses products and services.

One of the big changes in the last two decades is the amount of exposure someone needs to a product or service before they will make a buying decision. In the past a prospective customer would need to see or hear about a product approximately 3 times before they would decide to buy. These days that number of exposures is 7 or more. This means that if you land a prospective customer on your site and only promote that one time, chances are you are going to miss out on the sale.

With email marketing you have virtually an unlimited number of opportunities to promote your product and services. This will give your customer a chance to familiarize themselves enough with your business that they are willing to buy from you.

Another reason why you must be using email marketing is that people buy from those people that they know and trust. If you are not building a relationship with your customer then they are going to find a different supplier who they can get to know. Email marketing offers an opportunity for you to show why your company is distinct and your own personality. It also lets you give away plenty of free valuable advice so your customer comes to see you as an expert.

Finally your customer must be able to find you when they are ready to buy. Chances are even if they liked the look of your site and products, if they try and find it again weeks later they are going to land on one of your competitors site and they will get the sale. In contrast if you are using email marketing then finding you again is as simple as checking their inbox. eMail marketing will make you the obvious choice so you don’t lose sales.

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